Værøy – Moskenes

Woke up early, packed some food, and followed the narrow track along the northern shore of the island.

At a low pass I crossed to a bay on the southern side. On my left some cliffs led to a sandy beach with a huge cave, on my right a path led to an old and intermittently abandoned fishing village, Måstad. I’d read about prehistoric paintings in that cave so I tried to climb along the cliffs but gave up after some hundred meters. Turned right instead towards the couple of houses still standing.

At the southern end of the village a track leads up to the peaks of the mountains in the back. Had a wonderful view from the top!

Back down near the village I met Manu, a French photographer. Talked for a while, then I walked back to the cliffs and gave it another try to get to the cave. Managed it this time, saw some ‘fish’ that possibly could have been porpoises, but didn’t find the rock paintings/carvings.

Returned to the tent, tired, hungry, with wet feet, but incredibly happy about the day. Packed my stuff and rode back to the wharf from where the ferry brought me to the Lofoten island of Moskenes. Pitched tent on a campsite near the wharf.

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